Opiniowanie miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego przez wojewódzkich inspektorów ochrony środowiska w związku z lokalizacją zakładów zagrożonych poważną awarią



The article deals with the issuing of opinions on local spatial development plans by voivodeship environmental protection inspector in connection location plants at risk a serious accident. analyses detail regulations aforementioned field. following conclusions were adopted:1. Not every case is plan referred to voivode-ship for an opinion;2. after commune council adopts resolution begin drawing up plan, it head, mayor or city president that decides apply opinion draft provided allows posing in-dustrial accident;3. should head commune, not request voivodship issue this will constitute violation preparation procedure if industrial accident;4. issues related deadline giving and its extension are regu-lated Act Spatial planning development, which lex specialis Code Administrative Procedure;5. any failure mayor, take into account negative inspector, based specific concerning accident, law.

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W and Z Physics

The electroweak theory elegantly combines the electromagnetic and weak forces, explaining a wide range of interactions using a gauge theory with just three parameters. The theory predicted the W and Z weak gauge bosons before they were directly observed in 1983, and its detailed predictions of W and Z boson properties have been tested to such precision that they now serve as probes for new part...

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[The autonomic imbalance in chronic heart failure: prognostic value of dynamic electrocardiographic risk markers].

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W/Z + Light Flavor Jets and W/Z + Heavy Flavor Jets at the Tevatron

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Quartic gauge couplings from e + e − → W + W − Z

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عنوان ژورنال: Studia Prawa Publicznego

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2720-2445', '2300-3936']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/spp.2022.4.40.7